you have the error message
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
and may be also this one
The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
or this one
unable to run composer.phar create-project symfony/skeleton ... --no-interaction
that means you should fulfill some env needs, to know them try this command
symfony check:requirements
> Checking Symfony requirements:
Your system is ready to run Symfony projects
Optional recommendations to improve your setup
* mb_strlen() should be available
> Install and enable the mbstring extension.
* intl extension should be available
> Install and enable the intl extension (used for validators).
* a PHP accelerator should be installed
> Install and/or enable a PHP accelerator (highly recommended).
* realpath_cache_size should be at least 5M in php.ini
> Setting "realpath_cache_size" to e.g. "5242880" or "5M" in
> php.ini* may improve performance on Windows significantly in some
> cases.
* PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: none)
> Install PDO drivers (mandatory for Doctrine).
Note The command console can use a different php.ini file
~~~~ than the one used by your web server.
Please check that both the console and the web server
are using the same PHP version and configuration.
in my case i should at least activate 2 extentions and install a pdo driver fo my php 8.2.1
another solution can be useful:
check in your console where you executed symfony new, if you have this error message under lines:
Failed to download symfony/website-skeleton from dist: The zip extension and unzip command are both missing, skipping.
The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: php.ini
so go to this aticle to resolve it
you still have problem, try with theses solutions :
Thank you.